Niche marketing

Did you know there are over 125,000 holiday properties listed on Owners Direct? And that’s only a mere fraction of the 1 million plus listed on the HomeAway holiday rentals website! For many holiday home owners, niche marketing is a perfect solution in today’s crowded holiday lettings market.

The reason you can make money in the niche pocket is that it costs far less to compete here. First, because there’s less competition and the competition is less fierce, and second because it’s cheaper and easier to reach your target market because they’re choosing to pay attention.

Seth Godin, best selling Author

To cut through this crowd of competing holiday homes you have to identify your unique selling point, and show what it is that makes your rental property special; in short, you have to find your niche.

These days, holiday property owners must do more than just put an ad on the biggest listing site and hope for the best. Taking a mass-market strategy may mean you end up in a price war, cutting your prices to get bookings because there is so much competition, and it be can hard to know where to focus your time, money and efforts.

Some of the most common questions we hear can be sorted out by taking a niche market approach – why is your holiday rental marketing not having the same results as before? Do your photos need updating, or maybe the descriptions? And then there is the whole question of getting a proper website for your holiday property, or trying out Facebook, Twitter or one of the latest crazes in social media like Pinterest. Should you be getting involved? Have you got time? Who can you trust and where do you start?

Owners who aim for a specific type of holiday maker are often the most successful at renting out their property. They know exactly who their ideal guests are and how to “talk to them” online.  Our One-to-One Coaching sessions can set you on the right path to attracting more bookings.

Once you have your rental set up to appeal to your target market, you can use your listing sites to drive potential customers to your own holiday rental website which is full of the right content that will appeal directly to them. You can further reinforce your marketing efforts through making use of Social Media to build up a community around your property; potential guests can keep up the conversation both before and after their stay with like-minded travellers.

By building an online community around your specific holiday niche and giving your guests exactly what they seek, you can be sure of great feedback and guest reviews, repeat bookings, and be confident you’re putting your marketing efforts where it matters. You can even increase your income by offering a holiday that your guests will really want and will come back to time and again!

Happy guests and glowing testimonials

We offer a personalised service for holiday property owners, helping you to perfect the holidays you sell and present them in the best way possible to your ideal market. We have carefully researched the holiday niches we specialise in and are continually building relations with new partners to help you attract your ideal guest.

Want to learn more? Check out our article which looks at 10 reasons why niche marketing can help your holiday lettings, or use the contact form to request a FREE remote assessment and find out exactly how Rental Tonic can help boost your rentals today!