Vacation Rental Website Development

Luxury Villa Collection holiday rental website

Why create my own website?

You want to reach out to guests before they’ve started looking for accommodation. But you can only do that by delivering a total holiday experience.

Creating your own website to promote your holiday home can be the best investment you make for the long term success of your holiday rental business. It will put you firmly in control of your marketing, create a trustworthy reputation for your rental, and makes you far more effective at converting enquiries to bookings.

  • The Social Hub for your business
  • Easily share what’s great about your holidays
  • Attract more of your ideal guests
  • Becomes the ‘control room’ for your marketing
  • Turn prospects into paying guests!

Case Study

We have a vacation rental business in British Columbia, Canada and contacted Louise to help us.

She developed a new Cadder House website for us and wrote new content for our site. She also helped us with marketing strategies for our VRs.
She did an excellent job in all of the above and we cannot thank her enough for all her help. She was very professional and prompt in everything that she did and answered all our questions.
I would highly recommend Louise and truly believe that her expert knowledge and services are essential for any vacation rental owner wishing to take their business to a new level.
Rick and Yolanda de VilliersCadder House, Kelowna, BC, Canada
Cadder House Home Page Website

A Holistic Approach – Your Website is Key

A Holistic Marketing approach takes your whole business (you, your product, your systems and marketing) and tailors a solution to align to your ideal guests and customer touch points. The objective is to make the customer experience across all your holiday rental marketing – website, advertising, social media – as seamless and consistent across all channels. At Rental Tonic we encourage and teach holiday property owners how to think in terms of a Holistic Marketing and Web approach.

At the centre is a great website in which you can build the holiday experience, this is supported by a presence on social media and fuelled by the right selection of holiday rental portals and agents.  This structure will let you quickly build a reputation as the perfect holiday within your ideal niche holiday market.

One of the biggest advantages of having your own website is to build up a mailing list of guests, enquiries and future prospects, then keep in touch and nurture that list. Email is still one of the most effective forms of marketing for client acquisition, conversion and retention.

Once you have a mailing list linked to your website, the real power of social media comes in to play.  You can deliver visitors to your website from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or your rental listings, where they can opt-in to join your list and voila! You open up an ongoing communication channel with future guests. In fact the more you can find out about your clients – through guest profiling – the more personalised information you can deliver to them via email marketing.

How Rental Tonic Can Help

Rental Tonic can help you with most aspects of creating and running your website, social media channels and email marketing. If there’s something not on the list that you want to find out about, just ask!

  • Wordpress Sites

    We can help you create a new WordPress website from scratch or carry out work on an existing site

  • Brand Identity

    Get help creating a professional logo and brand design

  • Hosting

    Get professional hosting for your website with tecnhical support

  • Blogging

    Get help setting up your Blog and linking up your Social Media accounts to post out automatically

  • Online Bookings

    Install a bookings calendar and contact forms -or- you may want an automated bookings system to make securing bookings easier – encourage the 55% of guests who want to book instantly online to do just that!

  • Email Marketing

    Help to create your email marketing account and automated newsletter system

  • Listbuilding

    We can show you how to build an email list of potential customers & stay in touch

  • Essential Social Media

    Help to get your Twitter or Facebook profiles up and running, or optimise existing accounts

  • Images as Social Proof

    Create Pinterest and Instagram accounts to bring visitors to your site, and guests can share their favourite photos.

  • Interactive Tools

    Help installing widgets such as Trip Advisor reviews, Twitter feed, social media icons, Facebook plug ins, opt-in forms, maps, guest book and a host of others into your existing or new site.

  • Social Media Manager

    We can also manage your website with our Social Media Manager service to take the weight off and save you time

To get started just complete the form here and tell us a bit about your holiday home and what kind of help you are looking for.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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