Help us shape the future of YOUR holiday rental marketing
Rental Tonic has been working with holiday rental owners since 2012. Yes, we’ve been around that long! During that time we have built-up a resource portal focused on how to build a successful holiday rental business.
We have coached many of you, built your holiday home websites, worked with you to create advertising descriptions that WOWed your ideal guests, and showed you how to successfully stage and photograph your property.
Now as we move into our next phase, growing into a brand new kind of holiday rental coaching business, we want to share the moment with you.
In fact, we want YOU to be part of that moment. To help make it happen.
We are super excited to be creating brand new content modules, tailor-made to help you develop a business delivering full calendars and happy guests!
Over the summer we’ll be fine tuning our content. To do that, we need your help. We know our business inside out, but in order to support your holiday rental needs, we want to know your business inside out too.
Talk to us about your business
So I would like to invite 7 holiday rental owners or managers to talk to me about their business, to help us understand and create solutions to your biggest challenges:
What support do you need to help your holiday rental business grow?
And what do you struggle most with in your holiday rental business?
In return for sharing your challenges with us, I will give you a FREE 30 minute marketing review. Then I’ll share ways on how to make quick and easy improvements that WILL make your advertising more successful!
I only plan to speak to seven owners, so don’t delay in getting in touch. Don’t forget you will benefit from a free coaching session!
Shoot me over an email to to help us create the next generation in holiday rental marketing training. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!